Stand in Mountain Pose. Exhale, step left foot back, to high lunge while keeping your body weight forward on right foot. With right toes forward, ground through right foot. Reach hands upward, palms facing, align hips and shoulders with the front of the mat. Using core muscles, inhale and lift left foot while leaning arms and torso forward, hinging at the hips. Gaze down as you move forward, torso and left leg move parallel with the floor. Lengthening both legs without locking bottom knee. Keep hips level, arms forward and in line with head and neck. Breathe slowly and hold for 5-10 breaths. To come out, inhale, lift chest and place your left foot back into Mountain Pose. Exhale, lower arms, and repeat on the left side
Benefits: Stretches hamstrings, thighs, chest, shoulders, and arms. Strengthens core, abdomen, spine, pelvic floor. Improves posture, balance, and coordination. Calms the mind and reduces anxiety.
Contraindications: High blood pressure. Ankle, foot, knee, hip, or lower back injury. If pregnant, support with hands on chair.
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